RPG Keys is a workflow plug-in (keys and software) for Photographers.

The photo editing process for photographers takes far too long and it takes the fun our of what we love to do!

The RPG KEY company was founded by two brothers from Maine who figured out that they made a living while working with their clients and not at a computer editing photographs. The simple concept of spending more time doing what they loved (photographing) and less time at a computer has driven their studio business through the roof.
Every product offered by RPG is designed to help photographers finish their editing faster so they can spend more time with a camera and a client. Originally designed just for Adobe's Lightroom program, RPG is now offering key based solutions for most of the photo industry tools. The keyboard + software combination is programmable, allowing photographers to setup their keys to match their own editing style.
RPG Keys Products
Supported Applications Mac PC Type of controls*
Adobe® Lighroom® 2 & 3 Advanced
Adobe® Photoshop® CS3, CS4, CS5
64+32 bit
Adobe® Bridge® CS3, CS4, CS5 Simple
Adobe® ACR® -- Advanced
Adobe® InDesign® CS3, CS4, CS5 -- Simple
Aperture™ -- Simple
Kubota Dashboard 3™ BETA Advanced
Fundy Album Builder Advanced
Fundy Workflow Panel -- Advanced
Photo Mechanic™ Simple
*Simple = Simple controls give RPG KEY customers the ability to activate native application shortcuts on their keyboard for the given application. For example in Bridge, you can assign Cmd+Opt+O to key #31 in order to open up photoshop to edit the selected image.
*Advanced = Advanced controls give the user the ability to control the interface of the program well beyond native shortcuts. In Lightroom & ACR this means moving the image adjustment sliders. In Photoshop this means being able to activate up to 150 user defined actions and tools. Advanced controls increase your editing speed and power well beyond the native application shortcuts.

Featured Product



RPG Plug-in for Lightroom

If your using Adobe's Lightroom program for your editing and retouching this product will cut your editing time in half!


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More Workflow Improvement Products > RPG Keys is available for both Mac and PC

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Who's using our keys?

We estimate that in the course of one year, we save approximately 275 hours or nearly 7 work weeks worth of time for every 30 weddings we shoot. What would you do with 7 more weeks of time each year? When you compare the amount of time saved to the cost of the investment, it simply is a no brainer.
"Speed Up Post Production with RPG Keys" Full Review
World famous wedding photographer David Beckstead comments on his use of the RPG KEYS.
"The RPG Keys are nice and speedy!! Time is money! Every time I use these things I save money... Speeding up my workflow... RPG Keys are intuitive and easy to set up. It is actually fun to use them with Lightroom! These Keys are very cool!"
Brandon Oelling of Inside Lightroom writes:
"This weeks post is going to be brief as I am TOTALLY addicted to my new toy - RPG KEYS from Riley Photographic. This is one of those products that leaves us all saying 'why didn't I think of that?' All I can say is WOW ... I am astounded at the possibilties."

System Requirements

More than likely, you already have everything you need to take advantage of an improved workflow with RPG Keys. Just be sure to double check the details page for a product before purchasing to be sure your setup will support it.